Sample Post Orders
- Maintain high visibility in the lobby. Do not sit down on lobby chairs.
- Check your body temperature on the machine and wear the KN95 mask.
- Get radio from the reception desk.
- Remove towels and throw them away in the dirty towel container that are
usually in the hallways - Checkpoints: Entrance, Unit 800 – by Fire Hydrant, Unit 900 – By
Reception Desk, Unit 700 – On Employees Only Door, Unit 600 By Breaker,
Unit 500 – On the Fire Blanket, Red Zone – On Unit 200, Unit 400 – by the
use your mask sign, Unit 300 – By Desk, Basement – On entrance gate,
Shipping/Receiving – Exit Lot, Stop Sign-by entrance gate. - Check vehicles for break-ins. Report to supervisor if found.
- All security details and incidents must be written on the Destiny Mobile App.
- Write detailed reports. Possible Topics: Towel Removal, Head Count in Unit, Maintenance
Report etc. - Do not get in the way of the paramedics trying to escort anyone o the hospital. Keep your
distance. - If you are going to go on break radio it in.
- If you are feeling sick let a Team Patrol supervisor know.
- Once every 2 hours let management know on the radio what unit you are in. E.g. “Security in Unit 300”
- Do not go inside the Unit with COVID patients inside.
- Only patrol the basement once during your shift
- Keep an eye in the parking lot. The shipping/receiving gate is jammed open.
- Escort the homeless or anyone suspicious o the property.
- Must answer phone when supervisor calls. Hospital sta can call the company phone at
any time. - Must wear Team Patrol uniform. No substitute uniform.
- No visitors to keep you company.
- Do not give your security hours away.
- Must have flashlight for this post. When foot patrolling beam it on the parked vehicles. It will serve as a deterrent.
- If you’re not sure how to respond to a situation call a supervisor.
- Contact local PD or supervisor for emergencies.
- Treat all individuals with dignity and respect. When taking photos for your reports, avoid
capturing patients in your photos. - Avoid engaging in prolonged conversations. Do not initiate conversations but respond when spoken to.
- Be on the lookout for potential safety hazards or damage to property e.g. (burned out light bulbs, water leaks and other hazards). These issues are of importance to property managers and owners.
- Be proactive.
- While on the post, every effort must be made to provide the best customer service for all employees and their customers.
Suicidal Ideation Resident List
1) John Doe 502 A
2) John Doe 305 A
3) John Doe 924 C
4) John Doe 908 B
5) John Doe 204 A
6) John Doe 315 C
7) John Doe 925 A
8) John Doe 514 A
9) John Doe 705 A
These are some of the duties for medical jobsites. Post orders can be modified to meet your needs!
General Post Orders Glimpse
- Relay reports of bomb threats immediately to local law enforcement.
- Use defense equipment only in life threatening or restraint situation. Not as a measure of threat or intimidation.
- Submit report right after the shift is over.