Sample Post Orders

  • Arrive on time. Clock in on Time app.
  • Every car in the parking lot must have a parking permit. Parking permits can be seen on the dashboard or rearview mirror. There are 3 types of parking passes. Yellow, white, and a blue parking permit. The tenants are aware of the different types of passes.

Yellow pass

  • The yellow pass allows a visitor to park until 2:00am. The yellow pass can be found inside the locked glass window room by the main entrance. Password to enter: “????” The small yellow passes are on the wall by the elevator.
  • The white pass allows a visitor to park overnight. The date on the white slip needs to be current. The white pass can be found inside the locked glass window room by the reserved parking spaces. Password to enter: “????” The white passes are inside a manilla envelope on the wall by the mail slots. The overnight white pass costs $3.00. Tenants fill out the white pass and drop it off in the HOA payment deposit only slot.
  • The blue parking permit usually hangs on the rearview mirror. It allows the tenant to park anywhere.
  • Check all dashboards and rearview mirrors of the cars. They should have one of the parking passes or permits. The only cars that don’t need a permit are the cars parked in the reserved parking space. If they violate the parking rules call local PD after 1:30am to report the illegally parked vehicles. They will send a police unit or the city to issue the ticket. You will need to let local PD or parking enforcement know where the illegally parked vehicle is at. No signature is expected.
  • Log in all the car information: Lic plate, color, model, when a car is ticketed on the Daily Activity Report and attach a photo of the car on the company phone.

These are some of the duties for residential jobsites. Post orders can be modified to meet your needs!

General Post Orders Glimpse

  • Relay reports of bomb threats immediately to local law enforcement.
  • Use defense equipment only in life threatening or restraint situation. Not as a measure of threat or intimidation.
  • Submit report right after the shift is over.